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The Fiesta MK7 Bulb Changing Guide

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:30 pm
by Rogue_Shadow
Hey MK7 Forum
I thought Id make an English guide of how to upgrade/replace the MK7 Fiesta bulbs.

Covered in this guide:

# MK7 bulb types
# How to remove the MK7 Headlight (Including pictures of the dreaded retaining Clip MWHAHAHAHAHAHAH ... pfft )
# How to Change over the MK7's sidelight, dipped beam & Indicator bulbs
# How to Safely replace the MK7 Headlight back into the mounting

MK7 Bulb Types

Here is a brief list of the Bulbs for the MK7 Fiesta, these are also noted in your handbook.

Front Lights:

Fullbeam - H1
Dipped beam - H7
Sidelights - W5W
Front Fogs - H11
Front indicators - PY21W
Side (wing mirror) indicators - WY5W

Interior lights:

Interior light - W6W
Reading lights - W5W
Footwell lights - W5W

Rear indicators - PY21W
Brake & tail light's - P21/5W
Rear fog light - P21W
Reversing lights - W16W
Number plate lights - W5W[/b]


Removing The Headlight:

To Replace ANY bulbs in the headlight, the headlight itself must first be removed.


The Headlight is fixed to the car by 2 bolts, 1 plastic rivet & 1 clip at the bottom (More on this later)

One bolt at the top of the headlight -


One bolt & a Rivet at the bottom of the headlight -


The bolts simple unscrew, store the washer and bolt some where safe. The rivet comes in two parts, both simple pop out and do not require any other motion. There is a small gap that allows you to get your finger nail or screw driver underneath the first part and pull it out.


After the first is removed, the bottom part pops out also


Before removing the headlight, you need to remove the electrical connector (The purple plug)
The best method to remove this, is to prize a flat head screw driver in and underneath the clip & tilt.
You will hear a small click & with the screwdriver still in place the connector can be removed.


DO NOT pull the connector from the wires, the connector should come out fairly easily with the screw driver in place.
I removed mine with thumb and fingers of my left hand ... very little struggle at all.


The Headlight is anchored in with little tabs on the headlight itself


So the best method to remove the headlight is to tilt the headlight slightly away from the engine bay and then pull the headlight up and towards the windscreen.
Place one hand underneath the headlight nearest the bottom (grill) and another underneath the top section where the first bolt was removed. Keep reading if you need more help.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:31 pm
by Rogue_Shadow
Headlight removal - explained in detail

This is the clip that everyone mentions and dreads, that comes out in the darkness of night and...yada yada ha ha. Its not that bad once you look at it. So here it is


Its basically a bigger version of the clip that holds your bonnet arm.
Here is is again with the headlight removed - Don't worry I'll get to the removal part, you haven't missed anything.


This picture (below) will hopefully explain the necessary angle needed to lift the light.


The Yellow Arrow is the direction the clip would most likely to be removed at
HOWEVER, not possible if you look at the green circle, the shape of the grill and headlight DO NOT allow the direction.
The Red arrow is a compromise of both, its at an angle that clears the shape of the grill but still provides enough upwards angle to remove the the light from the clip. I had no trouble removing mine without this guide. No snaps or damage. Provided its not a Freezing cold day causing the clip to be abit more brittle, you should be fine.

Once free, unslot your headlight from the mounting. It would be fairly simple. But for those who want to know how.
Slide it from the top out. Away from the front grill.


Bulb Replacement:

Your headlight is now out of the car, looks odd doesn't it lol.


Incase by this point you still have no idea what bulbs you need, ford kindly printed them on the headlight


These are my replacements


Philips Silver Vision indicator bulbs and Philips Bluevision (dipped beam with sidelights...bargin B))

Ok Indicator bulbs and sidelights first, flip the headlight over and you'll see a screwcap, turn anti clock wise to open
For those who are unsure of their lefts and rights. Its printed on the cap

Unscrew that...


looks confusing doesn't it?
Lets Have a closer look inside


On the right is the sidelight, notice how ford are kind enough to even print the bulb types on the inside of the headlight.
To the left of the sidelight is the Main Beam (Blinding people light) I don't remove this during this guide. looks simple enough though


Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:32 pm
by Rogue_Shadow
To remove the sidelight bulb holder ( the one underneath W5W on the above picture) Turn the plastic holder a quarter of a turn and pull up and out. Simple


To remove the bulb, simply pull it out. Time to install your new bulb.
This IS Important, DO NOT handle the glass of the bulb. Use vinyl or latex gloves or tissue paper. Handling the glass directly can damage and or reduce the bulbs lifetime.


No you can put the holder back into the headlight, quarter of a turn and leave it be.

Time for the indicator bulb ... this one IS a pain, but I'll give as much detail as I can.


Below the sidelight bulb is the indicator bulb, all you can see of it is the wires and a Long handle/stalk connected to the bulb holder.
This one is very stiff to remove, luckily this was my second headlight.
To remove, you need to get nice and low on the handle/stalk (don't hold the wires!)and apply a very very very small amount of pressure towards the holder, then turn it anti-clockwise.
This holder is very stiff, when it becomes free it does make a loud Click noise that sounds expensive ha ha. But its fine. you'll see why its so stiff once its out.


The holder and the headlight have tabs that lock it in. Hence why it was so stiff. Have a good look at both the headlight and the bulb holder, these will help you understand how to fit it back in


Notice the tabs on the out edge of the holder, these need to be lined up with the headlight to slot back in.


This is the indicator bulb, to remove it, one turn anti-clockwise... while not handling the glass. There is ONE way the bulb will fit into the holder again. Line up the notches on the bulb with the gaps on the holder. Slot in and turn clockwise. Done


Now line up the tabs of the holder with the headlight and put it back in the headlight. This is abit fiddle. Take your time, line up the plastic tabs and you'll feel it go into the headlight. Then its one turn clockwise the lock it in place and seal the deal.


Close the screw cap up and your down with this section of the light. Now for the dipped beams.
The bulbs are behind this rubber cap at the end of the headlight

It just peels of the expose the bulb

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:33 pm
by Rogue_Shadow

Again with Thumb and finger pressure on the side of the bulb holder, turn it anti-clockwise and it will unlock and pull out.


With the bulb holder free, you can remove the bulb. This bulb is removed by pulling it out, I'll show you what part pulls away from what.


If that's still unclear what pull away from what, read on. It may become more clear as we install the new bulb.

When inserting your new bulb, there is only one way it will fit into the holder.


Notice the small metal leg sticking out and up (like an L) of the bulb holder. That side of the holder needs to meet with the part sticking out of the bulbs base.


Like so
Insert the bulb into the headlight, one turn clockwise and your done. replace the rubber seal & you have successfully de-tangoed and upgraded your headlight ...


Finished! Enjoy ...

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:36 pm
by Rogue_Shadow
What sort of guide wouldn't help you put the headlight back in? Honestly people! Grab your headlight lets go ...


Replacing the headlight back into the mounting:


Meanwhile at your car lol.

Plug the connector back in and ensure the lights are working! Do not do anything else untill you have otherwise you'll be scrolling all the way back to the top of this guide...bad times.

All working? Are you now blinded by the pure brilliance ... Odds are no, its still daylight ha ha
Anyway ...

So remember the little plastic tabs on the headlight

Those will play a key part in making this part SO So Simple.

Insert the bottom (narrow) part of your headlight into the mounting first. After all it was this part that made it hard removing it in the first place.


With the headlight in place at the bottom (ensure the plates for the bolt and rivet are UNDER the grill and not ontop)
tilt the headlight and work on getting those plastic tabs into under the bodywork

During this step, odds are you will head the plastic clip at the bottom of the headlight clip into place and the headlight will fit snug. If this hasn't happened, have a good place around. Don't worry, there is only One way for the headlight to sit correctly and multiple ways to get it there.

Insert the bottom part of the rivet

Followed by the top part

Replace the other two bolts and washer, reconnect the connector at the back of the headlight. Close the bonnet and marvel the fact your indicator isn't orange

Now... we wait for the darkness to fall

Result to follow

Hope this has helped or given confidence to those wanting to give it a go.
Saxp - ZSOC - FOC

Re: The Fiesta MK7 Bulb Changing Guide

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:55 pm
by jamesjay
Hi Rogue_Shadow,

I haven't needed to change a bulb on my Mk7 yet but your guide is excellent and will come in very handy when I do...I am surprised no ones thanked you so I will.

Thanks M8.

Kind regards.

Re: The Fiesta MK7 Bulb Changing Guide

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:52 pm
by fordgal88
Thanks for posting how to do this! I hate paying a mechanic or shop to do this...they rip you off! I can now change my own bulbs thanks to you!

Re: The Fiesta MK7 Bulb Changing Guide

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:22 pm
by Blueoval09
Excellent guide, just put some silvervision indicators and osram nightbreaker plus bulbs in, much better than standard :D

Re: The Fiesta MK7 Bulb Changing Guide

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:16 am
by luca
Fantastic guide!..

will be doing this over the weekend, thankyou for posting.

Re: The Fiesta MK7 Bulb Changing Guide

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:44 pm
by Seans_Fes_Mk7
Just used your guide to fit the main and sidelight bulbs, very concise details, thanks alot.
I have no idea how to remove the full beams though? It seemed like it would just wriggle out but i didn't want to rip the wiring just incase it wasn't right. Any idea how to do it please?