Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:32 pm
Too much tyre pressure
■ Harsh ride, excessive wheel patter, sliding and wheel-spin
■ High temperature reading and wear at the centre of the tyre
Too little tyre pressure
■ Soft and mushy response
■ Reduced footprint area and reduced traction
■ High temperatures with a dip in the centre of the tread
Front tyres "going off"
■ Gradually increasing understeer - Enter corners slower, get on power earlier with less steering lock
Rear tyres "going off"
■ Gradually increasing power on oversteer - Try to carry more speed through corner and be later and more gradual with power application
Too much tyre pressure
■ Harsh ride, excessive wheel patter, sliding and wheel-spin
■ High temperature reading and wear at the centre of the tyre
Too little tyre pressure
■ Soft and mushy response
■ Reduced footprint area and reduced traction
■ High temperatures with a dip in the centre of the tread
Front tyres "going off"
■ Gradually increasing understeer - Enter corners slower, get on power earlier with less steering lock
Rear tyres "going off"
■ Gradually increasing power on oversteer - Try to carry more speed through corner and be later and more gradual with power application